Prague, a city of medieval charm and Baroque culture. The Kings Court hotel, in a renowned neo-renaissance palace on Republic Square, will be the venue for this conference on 24 May.
Save the date for SILMO Academy Spring Session Prague, on the 4th of May 2025


With the support of the Czech Opticians Association, SČOO

  • 9 AM : Coffee & registration
  • 10 AM : Welcome - Elaine Grisdale
  • 10:05 AM : Dispensing picky professions - Jiri Zaldouek
    This lecture will discuss the issue of vision correction of demanding patients - whether we mean extremely picky patients or customers with specific medical, professional and recreational vision needs. Specific examples will be given of how our profession can, through an individual approach, improve visual well-being, work performance and service experience for these demanding patients. We will also focus on vision problems caused by long-term work at near distance, which are related to civilizational changes and modern lifestyle. This lecture will provide a relaxed view on customers who are a "challenge" for opticians and optometrists for various reasons.
  • 10:45 AM: Sight for Sore Eyes - Digital eye strain and solutions for all patients - Fiona Anderson

    In today’s fast-paced world, we rarely see someone without a digital device close by or attached to their hand. Even babies & toddlers in prams are often seen looking at a device & at the other end of the spectrum, many seniors access the news of the day via a digital device.

    This, as we know as opticians is not without its problems! Seeing well & alleviating sore eyes, necks & backs are something we are called upon to almost every day.

    This lecture will look at how we access information has changed, the associated issues we face & optical appliances & advice which may help our patients see better when looking at devices.

    Learning Outcomes:

    • Understand complex visual demands & accurately assess needs of your patients
    • Recognise the signs & symptoms of digital eye strain & deliver appropriate advice
    • Recommend product to alleviate symptoms, improve comfort & aid performance
  • 11:30 AM: Do You See What I See? - Ocular Pathology Through the Eyes of Artists - Pr. David Elliott
    What do patients with eye disease or ametropia see? Is it the representations provided in educational posters and websites? Do patients with glaucoma see with “tunnel vision” or as though they were “looking through a straw?” What do people with Charles Bonnet syndrome see?


    What, if anything, can the vision of famous artists tell us about what we see with disease and ametropia? Was El Greco's oblique elongation of his characters due to astigmatism? Was Monet “only an eye”? Was the Impressionist style of painting due to the myopia and cataract of its leading components? Is there an explanation for the huge amount of yellow and ‘swirls’ in van Gogh's paintings?


    These questions will be discussed and potential answers provided from feedback of patients’ perceptions collated in the research literature, plus the more anecdotal but arguably more interesting angle of the lives, correspondence and paintings of famous artists.
  • 12:15 PM : Lunch

  • 1:45 PM: Triage of Ocular Emergencies - Dr. Cindy Tromans

    In this presentation I will discuss a range of eye conditions that might present in your practice that might require emergency or urgent care.

    This will include conditions that can be sight or life threatening that require immediate specialist attention. Also, common urgent and minor eye conditions, which although may be uncomfortable or distressing but can be managed safely outside of an emergency setting by appropriately trained healthcare professionals.

  • 2:30 PM: "Wow - You Look Amazing" - Innovative Frame Styling - Sally Bates

    People don’t always remember what you say or do, but they remember how you make them feel.

    Your spectacles are the first thing people notice when they look at your face, therefore we need to develop the wearer’s overall visual experience and spectacle satisfaction. By having an eye for style and dispensing the most attractive frames, we can impact upon patient’s lives.

    There are 3 frame basics:

    • Colour
    • Style
    • Fitting

    This workshop is designed to develop and enhance the delegate’s frame selection skills so even more good looking patients leave your practice! We will cover colour analysis, face shapes and styling, and frame fitting. Your awareness of lenses and frame style compatibility will be enhanced.

  • 3:15 PM: Coffee
  • 3:45 PM: AI and the Smart Eyewear Revolution - Sébastien Brusset
    The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in smart eyewear has brought forth a new wave of possibilities and capabilities. This conference aims to explore the intersection of AI and smart eyewear, showcasing the latest advancements, challenges, and opportunities in this rapidly evolving field. As an expert from the eyewear industry, and based on discussions with the Silmo Experts Committee, I will present the research on how AI is transforming the way we interact with smart eyewear devices, revolutionizing user experience, enhancing accessibility, and opening up new horizons for various applications. Join us as we delve into the future of wearable technology and the innovative ways AI is shaping the smart eyewear revolution.

Price: 90 euros excl. VAT

Certificate of participation provided

Translation available in Czech & English
