Mise à jour le 29/08/2024

Présent sur le salon Silmo Paris
Du 20 au 23 septembre 2024
Montures 1 - Licence, Fashion Hall 6
Korea Optical Industry Cooperative - Organismes professionnels - Salons d'Optique

Korea Optical Industry Cooperative

6F KOISC B/D 169 Nowon-ro, Buk-gu
41494 DAEGU

  • Informations société
  • Partenaires
  • Marques

Informations société

Description :

Among the five economic organizations in Korea, it is an economic organization affiliated with the Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business.

history :
1920 Glasses (frame) manufacturing technology introduced from Japan
1945 ‘International Ceruloid Industry’ founded in Daegu and full-fledged development of eyewear manufacturing industry
1962 Korea Optical Industry Cooperative established (voluntary organization)
1994 Designated and approved as a safety specialized organization (Industrial Development Administration No. 94-1)
1997 Designated as a participating industry in Daegu co-brand “CHIMERIC”
1998 Designated as a specialized industry (8 items) by Daegu City
2005 Establishment of Korea Optical Industry Support Center (promotion to Korea Optical Industry Promotion Agency)
2006 Small and Medium Business Administration (currently: Ministry of SMEs and Startups) approved the establishment of a cooperative (national cooperative type - statutory organization)
2008 Establishment of unfair trade practice reporting center (project completed)
2015 Establishment of Optician Specialized Support Center within the union (project completed)
2019 Participation in the 20th group pavilion of the Italian Mido Optics Exhibition (32 companies) / Participation in the 16th group pavilion of the French Silmo Optics Exhibition (24 companies)

* Purpose of establishment :
Improving the protection of the rights and interests of eyeglass manufacturers, securing competitiveness in the domestic market, and increasing exports by pioneering overseas markets Strengthening the organization, revitalizing operations, improving union certification business and follow-up management, activating guidance education and informatization business Establishment of domestic market distribution order and support project, promotion of eyewear small business commonization project.
* Ministry in charge: Ministry of SMEs and Startups
* Applicable law: Small and Medium Business Cooperatives Act

Domaines d'activité :